The Ask:
choose a company name and product and design a logo/identity

This company was originally named "Cuco's Chips" but I rebranded by cutting the name shorter- Cucos. The tagline "snacks from home" is a double entendre– they are snacks from the homeland and also snacks you feel like should be from your home because of how well they are made. This thoughtful tagline as well as the amicable mascot for the logo infers a quick and yummy treat.
The logo is a little girl with a lime head. I took inspiration from the Chiquita Banana mascot, but with this logo I wanted it to be simple, cute, and fun for a whole family to be able to enjoy. The brand is known for plantain chip and I envisioned the original flavor to be a lime-flavored plantain chip, which is why the logo is a lime shape. This project really reminded me of the Caribbean which is why she has curly hair and a head wrap. I chose a complementary color scheme so it was enticing to the audience and had a natural balance to it. Later I added a blue to create a split complementary relationship to keep the balance of the colors, and breaking off to use a variety of tints and shades that echoed the original color palette. 
I wanted to add some merchandise that would be used around their office, which came to mind after I created the business card. I saw Cucos as a place that hired people to work in the kitchen where the plantain chips are made and on the first day they would get some new hire swag. While I was ideating, I realized that the logotype worked really well horizontally as well so I incorporated it on the pen

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